- The delivery time may vary depending on the place of arrival and the availability of the assortment of goods.
- We deliver to all parts of the mainland UK, excluding the Channel Islands and Northern Ireland.
- Shipping Fee is £4.95. Free Shipping on orders over £60.
- When you are logged in to your account, you can follow the current status of the order you want to know the delivery status from My Orders page with Order Tracking. In addition, you will be notified by the shipping company by e-mail when your order departs for delivery.
- If your order arrives and cannot find you at home, it will be delivered to the nearest branch of the shipping company. You can get your parcel from the branch within 3 working days. If you do not get your parcel, it will return to us, and a new shipping fee will be charged to you if you wish to receive it again.
- Before accepting your package, you should check if it has been torn, crushed, or soaked. The delivery personnel will assist you in case of any problems with the cargo package or its contents. In such a case, you should not accept the package and request the delivery personnel to report the damage. Report of damage will speed up your transactions during the refund process.